The Hidden Truth To Overcome Sin

Jason Shawera
4 min readMay 3, 2021

God is getting ready. He’s getting you ready for something big.

He wants to blow your mind. I mean, who believes that or who wants to believe that? Even if you can’t believe that now. Who wants to believe God wants to blow our mind? Amen. Like that’s the God I love and I serve and I’m believing that for you. Like he wants to do that.

So we’re going to talk about that today, and how he’s going to do it. Which is all throughout scripture. He’s given us stories, right? Guidelines to look at in scripture. Today we’re going to talk about that because Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.

So we’re going to really tap into that and talk about that today because we’re living the kingdom lifestyle. Free from sin! That’s what I believe the kingdom lifestyle is. Yes all have sinned and we have fallen short of the glory of God. We make mistakes, but I believe when you’re living the kingdom lifestyle, you’re actually free from sins power.

Sin will not have the power over you when you are living the Kingdom Lifestyle. We’re going to be talking about what living the kingdom lifestyle is which I know for many of you, this potentially is not a new concept.

I am not sure about you, but in my life, whatever I’ve done. I’m either all in or I’m all out. You know, there’s no in between for me. And, so living the kingdom lifestyle is really about being all in. The essence of living the Kingdom lifestyle is being all in for the kingdom of God.

Jesus came with a Kingdom mandate from the Father. His first message was “repent for the kingdom is at hand.” When they asked Jesus how do we pray? He said, pray like this, “Our father who art in heaven, thy kingdom come, thy will be done.” Jesus also said when you go out with, and people are healed, he said, let them know, “the kingdom of God has come near you.”

He was releasing the kingdom everywhere He went, and people got healed.

Then He said, the kingdom of God is within us. So the Kingdom is a mystery living within us. It’s a mystery unfolding in us.

It’s amazing!

And just understanding that context people can understand that Christianity is a way of life. It’s not a religion. It is an experience of heaven within.

When you have a revelation of the Kingdom of God withing you. It influences every area. And now understanding the kingdom. You understand the kingdom is the answer.

When the kingdom comes, cancer has to go.

When the kingdom comes depression leaves.

When the kingdom of God, the blind see and the deaf hear. Amen!

Like. It just releases incredible power, God’s power. And you know, the message of the kingdom as Jesus said, it’s like a mustard seed. It’s a mystery like the mustard seed, but when it grows, it becomes one of the biggest garden plants. And it is important to know this because the kingdom of God is within you.

This journey we’re on really refining our temple of the Holy Spirit. It is learning to honor yourself. Learning to love yourself . When you love yourself, you’re not going to want to sin. You’re not going to want to fall in and use pornography or have sex with someone that’s not your spouse.

You know, like that to me is the kingdom of heaven within us. In fact, you know, Paul was saying it and the scripture in 1 Corinthians 6, when the Corinthian Church was caught up in sexual immorality. Just bizarre stuff was happening in that Church. Some guy was sleeping with his father’s wife, like his stepmom. We think it is bad these days but there is nothing new under the sun.

He wants us live in the kingdom lifestyle. That actually is a life of holiness. Getting rid of the religion in us, and just being before God as a son or daughter and that is a great invitation. It is His Kingdom come and His will being done in your life.

When you understand this biblical principle of the Kingdom of God and your inheritance as a son or daughter. You are going to access the heart of God, and stir His heart to provide you His very best.

We access this promise out of a place of rest, and when we are totally reliant on God we can allow Him to set us up for divine appointments.

The entire Bible is filled with divine appointments orchestrated by God.

Especially stories in the Bible of divine appointments for marriage!



Adam & Eve in Genesis.

Ruth & Boaz in Ruth 2.

Esther & King Ahasuerus.

And so many more.

When you read the scriptures with this filter of seeing how God orchestrated divine appointments to His sons & daughters that where living the Kingdom lifestyle.

Ruth met Boaz and found favor because she humbled herself and honored her mother in law.

The Kingdom of God is a kingdom of honor.

When we are practicing humility and relying fully on God the Father, He will do a miracle in every area of our lives.

He did thousands of times throughout scripture and He did it in my life.

And the best part my friend…

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8)

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Jason Shawera

Kingdom Relationship Coach, Husband, Father, Writer, Kingdom Entrepreneur